Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome Sis. Justina Fuentes!

On Saturday, April 18th, Sis. Fuentes was baptized as the newest member of our ward. Justina has had a heart transplant after she suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed. She cannot walk and has also lost the the movement of her left arm.

She shared her testimony with us about the Gospel. Justina testified that she prayed to Heavenly Father for the true church, and the next day our humble Elders showed up at her door with the answer to her prayers. She is a great example of humillity to all of us. She is being cared for by her son and mentally-handicapped daughter. If you need more information on Justina, call our Elders...Akagi and Lionnetti.

- Sis. Hines

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